Our professional bodycar builders offer you services of restoration of wear or following a sinister.
Broken glass, straightening of doors, removal of depressions, dent removal, part or total painting, sanding, treatment of grooves and imperfections, change of elements (original pieces),marble, front shock, rear shock.
The lead times and prices are unbeatable.
Our teams come to your home and take care of your files with the insurance.
Automotive bodywork
The car body is the visible part of the car, which includes the shell, the hood, the doors, the roof and the tailgate. She is usually in metal, but can also be plastic or in carbon fibers. The body is designed for protect the interior of the car from bad weather and shocks, also to reinforce the structure of the car and give it a shape aesthetically pleasing. The body can be made in different ways, including by cast, stamping and assembly from preformed panels. The body finish can be done by painting, plastic coating or using other technics of finishing.

One bodybuilder is a professional who works on the body of one motor vehicle. the bodybuilder can be charged with to fix or replace of the damaged parts of the carbody, as the hood, the doors where the roof, next to an accident or damage caused by rust or other factors. The bodybuilder may also be responsible for making changes to the body, like adding spoilers or new wings, or replace the original paint by a new color. To practice the profession of bodybuilder, it is generally necessary to follow a professional training and have technical and practical knowledges of automobile mechanic and work of metal.

Body sanding
The sanding of the body of a vehicle consists of removing the surface layers of paint and varnish to smooth and prepare the surface beforere paint or apply a finishing. the sanding may be necessary in several cases, such as to remove the grooves where the bumps, or to prepare the body before changing color.
There are several methods for sand the body of a car, like:
- The manual sanding: this method consists of using sandpaper or some abrasive discs to remove the superficial layers of painting and of varnish. It is generally used for small areas or for hard-to-reach areas.
- The electric sanding: this method consists of using aelectric sander equipped with abrasive discs to remove the superficial layers of painting and of varnish. It is generally faster and more efficient than the manual sanding, but requires the use of specialized equipment.
It is important to follow the instructions of the paint manufacturer and work in a well-ventilated environment, because some dust and sanding products can be harmful to health.

Body painting
The body paint is an important work for a bodybuilder, because it gives the car an aesthetic finish of quality and protect the body of the severe weather and some rust. The body paint is usually done in several steps:
1.Surface preparation: before to paint, it is necessary to clean and ofsand the surface of the body to give him a smooth and uniform finishing.
2. Apply the undercoat: once the surface is ready, it is necessary to apply an undercoat which will serve as the basis for the final coat of paint. The undercoat has the role of hide them imperfections from the surface.
3. Apply the coat of paint: once the undercoat has dried, you can apply the final coat of paint. This step can be done by hand or with a spray gun. It is important to respect the drying time and to follow the instructions of the paint manufacturer to get a quality result.
4. Apply the finishing: once the coat of paint has dried, it is possible to apply a finishing to protect the paint and give him a shiny appearance. The finishing can be in the form of varnish or of wax.
It is important to follow the instructions of the paint manufacturer and work in a well-ventilated environment, because some paintings and finishing products can be harmful to health.

Treatment of scratches
There are several methods to remove the grooves of the body of a vehicle:
- The use of chemical products: there are on the market special products designed to remove grooves of the body. These products are usually applied to the surface using a soft cloth and can be effective in removing light scratches. However, they can be abrasives and can damage the paint if used excessively or on deep scratches.
- The sanding and the painting: if the stripe is deep or if it has penetrated to the sheet metal, it may be necessary to sand the surface to remove the damaged paint and of repaint the affected area. This operation requires the intervention of a professional, like a bodybuilder, who will have the skills and necessary equipments to carry out this work in an efficient and secure way.
It is important to note that some treatments of the grooves can be expensive and it may be more advantageous to replace the body part by one new if the damage is too great.

Car body repair
The dent removal of a car consists of repairing bumps caused by a shock on the body. This operation may be necessary to restore the car to its original look.
There are several methods to dent a car, but they all require a certain level of skills and equipments. Here are some examples of commonly used methods:
- The method of hammer and mass: it consists in using a hammer and a mass to hit delicately the body around the bumpin order to smooth the surface. This method is generally used for bumps ofsmall size.
- The method of dent removal gun: it is a tool that looks like a spray gun and which allows hot air to be blown onto the body around the bump. The hot air allows heat the sheet and make it more malleable, which facilitates the smoothing surface.
- The method of roofer: it consists in using a special metal plate to cover the bump and hold it in place while the body cools. This method is generally used for large bumps.
It is recommended to entrust the dent removal from your car to a professional, like a bodybuilder, who has the necessary skills and equipment to carry out this work in an efficient and secure way. To find the best coachbuilder in the Alpes Maritimes, contact How Long Car Service.

Shock and bodywork
Next to a shock, the bodyof a vehicle can be damaged in different ways. If the damage is slight, it can often be repaired without having to replace of the rooms. For example, if the body is scratched or bumpy, it is possible to smooth the surface and the to paint again to give it back its original appearance.
However, if the damage is more extensive, it may be necessary to replace some rooms of the body. For example, if the hood or a door is damaged, they will have to be replaced by new pieces. In this case, it is important to choose quality parts and follow the instructions of assembly to guarantee the security and the reliability of the car.
It is recommended to entrust the repair of the body to a professional, like a bodybuilder, who has the necessary skills and equipment to carry out these works in an efficient and safe manner. Don't doubt, contact How Long Car Service who will direct you to the best bodywork experts in the region.

Bodywork new parts
It is sometimes necessary to replace parts of the body of a car following damage caused by an accidentor by the rust. The new body parts are manufactured according to manufacturer specifications and are designed to be as close as possible to the aspect and characteristics of the original part.
There are several sources to obtain new body parts:
- The car dealerships: they can be a reliable source to obtain new body parts, but they can often be more expensive than other options.
- The spare parts wholesalers: there are many spare parts wholesalers who offer new body parts at competitive prices.
- The online shopping sites: it is possible to find new body parts on the online shopping sites, such as eBay or Amazon. However, it is important to check the quality and the compatibility parts before buying them.
It is recommended to choose quality parts and to make sure that they are well adapted to your vehicle before buying them. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to consult a professional, like a bodybuilder, who can advise you on the best options for your vehicle.

Rim repair
The rims are important elements of the body of a vehicle, because they support the weight of the car and allow to manage. They are usually made of metal and can be made in different ways, such as by cast or by forging.
There are several types of rims, which vary in shape, size and material:
- The steel rims: they are the most common and are generally the least expensive. They are strong and durable, but can be heavy and tend to rust.
- The alloy wheels: they are made from a mixture of metals and are lighter and stronger than steel rims. They are generally more expensive but offer a best performance and a longer life.
- The carbon fiber rims: they are very light and resistant, but are also very expensive. They are generally used in high performance vehicles.
It is possible to fix some damage to rims of a vehicle. Here are some examples of routine repairs:
-Repair of cracks and dents: if the rim has a crack or bump, it is possible to fill it with epoxy resin or one welding product specially designed for rims. This repair can be carried out by a professional or an experienced handyman.
-Paint repair: if the painting of the rim is damaged or chipped, it is possible to sand and repaint. This operation can be performed by a professional or an experienced handyman, but it is important to follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the painting and work in a well-ventilated environment.
-Corrosion repair: if the rim is rusty, it is possible to clean and treat it with an anti-rust product. This operation can be performed by a professional or an experienced handyman, but it is important to follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the anti-rust product and of protect the tire sand the brakes during treatment.
It is important to note that some repairs can be expensive and it may be more advantageous to replace the rim by one new if the damage is too great. If you have any doubts about the feasibility of repair your rim, do not hesitate to consult a professional, like a bodybuilder or a mechanic, contact How Long Car Service to get in touch with the top rim experts of the region.

Windshield repair
It is possible to fix some damage to windshield of a vehicle. Here are some examples of common repairs:
-Repair of cracks and of bubbles: if the windshield has a crack or a bubble, it is possible to fill it with repoxy resin. This repair can be done by a professional or an experienced do-it-yourselfer, but it is important to follow the resin manufacturer's instructions and work in a well-ventilated environment.
-Repair of the corrosion: if the windshield is rust, it is possible to clean and it treat with an anti-rust product. It is right to protect them seals and the edges from windshield during the treatment.
It is important to note that some repairs can be expensive and it may be more advantageous to replace the windshield by a nine if the damage is too great. If you have any doubts about the feasibility of repair of your windshield, do not hesitate to consult a professional, such as a bodybuilder or one mechanic, contact How Long Car Service to get in touch with the top rim experts of the region.

Marble bodywork
The marble is a natural material composed of calcite, dolomite and serpentine. It is often used for interior and exterior decoration, such as floors, walls and columns. The marble is not commonly used for body vehicles, because it is relatively heavy and not very resistant to shocks and to severe weather.
It is possible to find vehicles that have been decorated with some marble, but it is quite rare. If you want to add marble to the body of your vehicle, it is recommended that you consult a professional, like a bodybuilder or a decorator, who can advise you on the best options and methods of laid adapted to your vehicle. It is important to take into account the weight and resistance of the marble, as well as the constraints related to the use of the vehicle, before making a decision.